Thanks to Peter and Julie for organising such a lovely afternoon for our club event at Grays Point. Scenic bush tracks and perfect temperatures combined for a pleasant outing in the bush. The medium and long courses were a bit challenging length wise but a few club members made it around in less than an hour – Ross and James took 58 and 59 minutes respectively to complete the medium course which was closer to 6km all up, and Alex did a sizzling time of 56 minutes to complete the long course which was 7-8km.
Those of us doing the short course enjoyed the pleasant ramble around the main tracks taking in the scenic rock formations and wilflowers out in bloom.
A belated CONGRATULATIONS to all the IKO members who cleaned up the awards at the QBIII carnival last weekend. The club had six overall winners after three days of competition: Natalya 2nd (W35A), Shiona 2nd (W45A), Helen 3rd (45AS), Vicki 2nd (55AS), Margaret 2nd (W70A), and Ian 3rd (M65A).
Congratulations to all!