Author Archives: ikoadmin

SummerGong 2 Results

SummerGong 2 Sandon Point

The scenic finish control at SummerGong 2 at Sandon Point south of Thirroul

There were only three words to describe today’s second event in the SummerGong Series – hot, hot and hot (and I’m not just referring to the competition).  The 34 degree temperatures made getting around the course hard work, but this was offset by the fantastic views from the start and finish point (great choice Salme!) and the opportunity for a cooling dip in the ocean for those who came prepared.

Nineteen competitors entered the score event with IKO’s Alex Karavaev and Simon Louis coming in equal first with 380 points. Thirteen juniors (individuals and groups) entered the 1km kids course with Rory Sheddon of SHOO finishing in the quickest time of 22:31.

The series point score after two events sees Angus Sheddon from SHOO at the top of the table with IKO’s David Green a close second.  See the cumulative Summergong 2016 point score here.

Welcome back

A warm welcome back to Phillipe and Robin Donnadieu from Oatley who have after a few years absence re-joined our club for 2016. Phillipe and Robin have been spotted at some urban local events sharpening up their navigational skills. Phillipe has unfortunately been hindered with a foot injury in the past but is now keen to get back on board with some orienteering. We hope to see a lot more of Phillipe and Robin at future events.

A warm welcome from all at IKO.

SummerGong Results

A sunny Sunday drew 27 entries to our first event of the series at Stuart Park. Highest point scorer of the day was Angus Sheddon of SHOO who collected 490 points in a time of 44:16, while David Green of IKO came in second with 460 points in a very similar time. Doug Jay of SHOO was a close third with 430 points.  The highest scoring woman was IKO’s Salme Fuller with 410 points.

Progressive results will be posted here, as well as on the results page.

Event 1 – Stuart Park         Results for all classes

Its time for SummerGong 2016

SummerGong 2016

IKO’s year of orienteering begins on February 7 with our annual SummerGong Series.  Set over four consecutive Sunday mornings the series is ideal for beginners to find out what orienteering is all about.  For experienced orienteers its a chance to stretch our legs and tune up our navigation after the Christmas break, all while taking in the scenic parks and coastline that the Wollongong region offers.

While previous years have spaced the events over a wider area of the Illawarra, this year the club has chosen to focus on the Wollongong area.  The first event will be held at Stuart Park at North Wollongong, followed by events at Thirroul, McCabe Park and Flagstaff Hill.  See the Coming Events page for more details.  All events are also listed on the Orienteering Eventor site.

Club captain Kevin Curby says the event is specifically designed to introduce people in the Illawarra to the sport of orienteering. You can compete as an individual or go with a buddy or family group.

“If you can read a street directory then you can read an orienteering map” he says. “Just go at your own pace; walk, jog or run. For this introductory series we use urban areas, parks, streets and beaches.”

Club members will be on hand to assist beginners with map reading and navigation. All of the events will take the form of a 45 minute “score event” where competitors try to visit as many controls (or checkpoints) as possible within the time limit. The person with the highest score wins.

The series winner (with the highest score over the four events) will win a complementary membership to Illawarra Kareelah Orienteers for 2016 (for anyone not already a member of an orienteering club).

ONSW Presentations

Division 3 winners

Richard and David collected the medals on behalf of the winning Division 3 Metroleague team

The annual ONSW Presentation function was held today at Homebush Bay following a fun sprint around Bicentennial Park which was part of the Saturday Orienteering Series (SOS). A handful of club members were on hand including David and Dayle, Richard and James.

Picking up their medals for the winning Division 3 Metroleague team were David Green and Richard Lane, while David also received a medal for highest point score in Division 3.  Medals were also awarded to the remainder of the successful Metroleague team -Alex Karavaev, Natalya Filippova, Ian Froude, Keith Jay and Simon Louis,

Other IKO members to be recognised at the awards were Julie Mann and Vicki Wilmott who received badges for their State League performances in W55AS.

A casual picnic in the park for the ONSW Presentation event.

A casual picnic in the park for the ONSW Presentation event.