Author Archives: ikoadmin

QB111 at Belanglo – a perfect day in the forest

Well, it was not quite perfect, with a couple of minor controlling issues to deal with, but the weather couldn’t have been better.  With lots of club members on hand to help out, Day 2 of QB111 at Belanglo was another great club effort.

Full results can be found here courtesy of SHOO.

Here’s a few pictures from the day taken by IKO photographer Dayle Green.

A great day at Appin

The weather couldn’t have been better for our joint event with Southern Highlands Occasional Orienteers. A pleasing number of competitors turned up to tackle the Georges River and the rock.

Unfortunately, a missing control meant those who entered the Hard and Moderate courses spent frustrated minutes searching. Lyn has recalculated times by eliminating that leg to try and minimise those wasted minutes, and give a truer picture of how everyone went.

Those who tried the harder courses had the special pleasure of the chance to cool their feet in the creek (twice). The Appin rocks provided their own special something, but times were quite respectable.

Many thanks to those regulars from both clubs, and from other clubs, as well as a number of newcomers who had a good time. Thank you Chippy and Eunice and Jim from IKO for collecting most of the controls.

A list of the results can be found HERE.

Neville Fathers,  Southern Highlands Occasional Orienteers