With the end of the Summergong series, orienteering has moved back into the bush.
Congratulations to Salme for 1st place in W45AS at the tough State League 1 event held at Wattle Ridge, Hill Top on 19 March. Peter and Julie both achieved 2nd places.
A number of club members backed up for Metroleague 1 at Mt Annan Botanic Gardens on Sunday 20 March. It was fast and hilly. The combined IKO-SHOO teams had success in Division 2 and 3, but lost the double headers in Division 4 and 5. The combination with SHOO allowed a spread of club members through the 4 Divisions.
15 members competed in the Easter 3-day carnival at Canberra. Congratulations to Jeff for 1st place in M65AS and Simon 2nd place in M21A. The rest of us lacked consistency and had good and bad days. The terrain was hilly and the navigating sometimes tricky amongst the boulders (Day 1) and the erosion gullies (Day 2). It was good to watch elite competition, and marvel at how fast they are. On Day 3 the distant views across the paddock kept spectators entertained watching competitors make their way out of the forest and up to the final control.
Good luck to the members heading to Snow Hills this weekend for State League 2 & 3. Send us your report.
Following are some photos from the Easter Carnival. Were you spotted by the IKO photographer?