Category Archives: Event Reports

SummerGong 2019

The SummerGong Series has concluded for 2019. Three excellent locations were enjoyed by club members and a handful of newcomers and visiting orienteers.

The series commenced with a brilliant sunny (and hot!) afternoon of orienteering around the Wollongong foreshore and streets. Despite Keith plugging the event on ABC radio that morning, we were not over-run with people, managing just 17 (although five of these were newcomers).

Ken and Helen take the award for attracting the most entrants to the Figtree event (24) and also the most participants who were not members of an orienteering club (10). While the short course kept to the flats the medium and long courses gave competitors the chance to climb a few hills (or avoid some of them depending on your route choice).

The series concluded at Shellharbour with 20 people/teams enjoying the mix of coastal views and streetscapes around Shellharbour Village. A couple of orienteers from Western Australia turned up – we think this is probably the furthest distance for any domestic visitors at a SummerGong event. We also had a group of friends turn up, two of whom had done a bit of orienteering in their home countries of Switzerland and the UK.

A few photographs from the series are in the gallery below.


Belanglo Tour de DUST!

The finish line at SL11

Ron Pallas christened this the Dust Tour of Belanglo, but as we are one day into the Tour de France I thought I might give it a slightly more french flavour.  Either way it was a weekend of challenging conditions that the weather gods threw at State League 10 and 11.  The sun shone but it was bitterly cold and at times windy, which turned our bare denuded firebreak into a scene from Desert Storm. Our resident meteorologist informed us that on both days the wind-chill factor sent the apparent temperature plummeting below zero in the early mornings.

Aside from that the day seems to have been a success with no injuries (apart from John the first aide guy who injured himself!) and no complaints about misplaced controls.  173 contenders turned up to take on the forest, where conditions were apparently less windy than the finish arena.

Results are now available here on Eventor.

We are  greatly indebted to Ron Pallas and our friends at SHOO for helping us run this event.  Thanks to Natalya, Chris and David for the many days spent in the forest leading up to the event, and to Simon, Ken, Helen, James and Dayle for assisting over the weekend.  Thanks also to Sandra, Garry,  Lyn and Nev from SHOO for their assistance in the finish tent and EOD table.

Simon, Garry and Ron manning the finish tent. The material on the table is protecting the computers from the dust!

Thanks also to Sandra for the photos included here.
Visit SHOO’s Facebook gallery to see a lot more.

Competitors had to battle the wind and dust as they made their way from the final control to the finish.

And lastly, thank you to Simon for the following action shots taken in the forest.

Sun shines on the Gala Day

It was a brilliant day of sunshine for the 2018 South Coast Schools Gala Day at Croom Reserve. All of the 63 students that attended appeared to enjoy the day and feedback from staff was that it was well conducted.

Three schools participated this year: Flinders Public School and Aurora Steiner School (Bowral) have both participated before, and Saint John the Evangelist High School (Nowra) attended for the first time.  This makes a total of fifteen schools that have participated in the event over the six years since it began.

Thanks go to:

Kevin for contacting the schools and getting participants organised, Garry for technology assistance, Keith for course setting and putting out controls, Lyn for managing the children and keeping things running smoothly, Chippy for collecting controls at the end of the day, and Neville and Simone for helping out and getting things done is a very calm way.

Results are on Eventor.

Thanks to Lyn for the following photos which really highlight the kids enjoyment of the day.


Sizzling SummerGong

SummerGong 3 at Balgownie

SummerGong wrapped up its third week of competition today with some sizzling temperatures to add to the challenge.  Thankfully Simon had chosen a beautiful old fig tree as the starting point which provided ample shade for the post-run recovery.

In Week 2 it was a strong southerly sea breeze (more like cyclonic wind) that provided the environmental challenge (that, and the hunt for a parking spot around the very busy Bulli Beach).

In Week 1 everyone enjoyed exploring the Wollongong Botanic Gardens and the laid-back old -fashioned question and answer format was a novel change, not to mention the honesty system for recording your start and finish time.

30 plus people attended the first two events, with a few new faces turning up, and the free kids courses proving popular.  Today there were 21 people who came to check out the streets and reserves of Balgownie and Fairy Meadow.

For more photos of the events see our FaceBook page (photos courtesy of Salme).

Summergong concludes next week at Windang – who will take out the series?  Our own weather guru Simon is looking a strong contender in the Long course, or will it be dark horse Matt Ryan from Gerringong?  In the medium course its Kev Curby and John Hodgson who currently lead the score board. In the short course the enthusiastic Sheddon brothers are in the lead having competed in every week so far. Other enthusiastic juniors who have become regulars at IKO events are Keith’s grandchildren Cooper and Flynn.

SummerGong 1 at Wollongong Botanic Gardens


Southern Sydney Summer Series

The Southern Sydney Summer Series finished in December 2017 with IKO hosting two of the 8 events.  A big thank you to Kev Curby for organising the event at Monterey and to Margaret Duguid for the event at Rushcutter’s Bay.  32 competitors took part on the map at Monterey, a cool day but comfortable running on Kev’s well set course. Forty-one people participated on the inner eastern suburb map of Rushcutter’s Bay that had been extended to the west to take in the sights and delights of Kings Cross and Woolloomooloo and to challenge runners with the hill climb.  These 45 minute score events are well worth a try and a lot of fun.

Congratulations to Sue Froude and Nathan Ardren for coming in 1st place in their categories across the 2017 series.

Final Scores

Junior Men:  Cameron Will 4th

Veteran Men:   James Stuart 7th     David Green 10th     Philippe Donnadieu 13th

Legends Men:  Kev Curby 4th         Keith Jay 9th

Walking Men:   Nathan Ardren 1st

Super Veteran Women:  Sue Froude 1st

Legends Women:   Margaret Duguid 4th       Robin Donnadieu 5th