It was a brilliant day of sunshine for the 2018 South Coast Schools Gala Day at Croom Reserve. All of the 63 students that attended appeared to enjoy the day and feedback from staff was that it was well conducted.
Three schools participated this year: Flinders Public School and Aurora Steiner School (Bowral) have both participated before, and Saint John the Evangelist High School (Nowra) attended for the first time. This makes a total of fifteen schools that have participated in the event over the six years since it began.
Thanks go to:
Kevin for contacting the schools and getting participants organised, Garry for technology assistance, Keith for course setting and putting out controls, Lyn for managing the children and keeping things running smoothly, Chippy for collecting controls at the end of the day, and Neville and Simone for helping out and getting things done is a very calm way.
Results are on Eventor.
Thanks to Lyn for the following photos which really highlight the kids enjoyment of the day.