Its not long to go now until our biggest event of the year which features the lovely bushland setting at Cataract Scout Camp, and what promises to be some fun and challenging sprints through the University of Wollongong campus.
Get your entries in NOW because entries for both events close on Monday 14th August.
School age children need to enter via TryBooking Everyone else can enter via Eventor.
IKO club members are welcome to participate and are being offered free entry in return for assistance on the day.
For those coming from Sydney or other regional areas please COME and STAY ! Not at our place, sorry, but Destination Wollongong are sponsoring this event so please take the opportunity to see what Wollongong has to offer. For information see Visit Wollongong or call 1800 240 737. Special accommodation deals for the weekend can be booked HERE.
Enjoy the weekend!