Author Archives: ikoadmin

Message from Ken

Hi Fellow IKO Orienteers

These are certainly most challenging times and we thank you for your patience and understanding. With lockdown in the Greater Sydney region stretching over several weeks now, and likely to continue for more weeks and perhaps months ahead, the 2021 orienteering schedule has been severely disrupted again impacting on most of us.  IKO members reside across a broad geographical area encompassing both areas of lockdown and areas where people are still free to move around.  At this time, the primary goal must be to keep us all as safe as possible and to abide by the government public health orders.  Frustrating as these are, we must err on the side of caution wherever there are inconsistencies, as there will inevitably be, with such large and rapidly implemented changes.

Rest assured your club is working with the broader orienteering community to reschedule events and determine optimal strategies to manage refunds for events already entered. The uncertain timeframes for ongoing restrictions add significantly to the challenges involved.  Note there will be no events organised by IKO in July.  August is unfortunately also looking doubtful for all events at this stage but check here on the Eventor calendar for 2021 scheduled events and any cancellations or postponements made at short notice  You can also check our Facebook page and our website for any updates and we will of course keep you informed by emails.

We look forward to the time when we can all gather again for events and the social activities afterwards. Until then, stay safe, keep exercising and keep in touch. This is a great time to give people a call just for a chat and I would encourage you all to reach out.

Take care,
Ken Mills – President
Illawarra Kareelah Orienteers

COVID strikes again #3

Due to the current restrictions on Greater Sydney and the Illawarra there will be no orienteering events in July. The event at Rushcutters Bay in August is also in doubt but we will confirm closer to the date.

We are hoping to reschedule the cancelled event at Belanglo (28 June) to 11 September so as not to waste all the effort that David put into updating the maps and planning courses. The Berry event is now re-scheduled for Saturday 25 September – a new map for the club!

IKO hosting the first Metroleague

The 2021 MetrOleague competition kicks off this Sunday 18 April using the newly updated Yeramba Lagoon map. This map on the Georges River at Picnic Point has had significant revisions this year with thanks to Arpad Kocsik of Garingal Orienteers.

The MetrO League is an inter-club competition for greater Sydney metropolitan clubs which runs from March through until August/September. Entrants run individually but earn points for their team based on their relative time. It’s great fun as clubs compete head-to-head and members of all ages earn points for their club. For the past few years IKO has successfully partnered with SHOO, our neighbours in the Southern Highlands, last year taking out the win in Divisions 3, 5 and 6.

Details for this Sunday’s event are here

Explore La Perouse on our new map!

Enjoy scenic views of Yarra Bay on our brand new map.

We are excited for this weekend’s test run of our brand new map at Yarra Bay / La Perouse. Hope you can come and join us.

Enjoy the expansive views of Botany Bay from Frenchman’s Bay and Yarra Bay including historic Bare Island. Three line courses will be available (2km, 4km and 6km).

This Saturday 13 March, 3-4pm at Bicentennial Park, Yarra Bay 
Information and entries here: Entries close midnight Friday 12 March.

SummerGong is back for 2021!

The first SummerGong event for 2021 features beautiful views of Lake Illawarra

After a long lazy summer break its time to dust off those running shoes for the return of SummerGong. Now in its ninth year, the series attracts a range of participants from first-time beginners to experienced orienteers.

Club President David Green says anyone who can read a street directory is capable of orienteering.

“Beginners are always welcome at our events, and there are always club members on hand to provide some basic coaching.  You can go by yourself or as part of a group.  Our SummerGong series is a great way to explore parts of the Illawarra that you never knew existed.”

This year’s series kicks off on Sunday 31 January around the beautiful foreshore of Lake Illawarra. You can try one of the traditional line courses (where you visit controls in a set order) or go your own way with a scatter course (visit all the controls in the shortest time to win). The series then moves up to Wollongong on 14 February and Bulli on 28 February.

Shorter courses are designed with families and beginners in mind. The shortest course is just 2km making it perfect for young children. Its just like a treasure hunt!

This year the club is running a special promotion. Complete any two of the three events in the series and have the chance to win free club membership with IKO for 2021.

Further details on each event and links to online entries are provided on our ‘Coming Events’ page. You can also download the SummerGong 2021 Flyer here.

Please note all events are run according to COVID-safe guidelines from the NSW Government. All participants will be required to check-in using the Service NSW app when you arrive at the event.