Tag Archives: MetrO League

MetrO League #5 Sunday 1 September

A reminder that the next MetrO League teams event is on this coming Sunday morning at Nurragingy Reserve, Doonside.  See https://onsw.asn.au/ for details.

All club members are eligible and encouraged to participate.  Enter through Eventor at  https://eventor.orienteering.asn.au/Events/Show/20290 Tip:  You will need to log in to Eventor first & then check the drop down boxes to nominate Illawarra Kareelah Orienteers & select a Division that best suits your ability before proceeding to payment.  

For those club members new to MetrO League, come along and give it a try.  It is a lot of fun. Division 6 is entry level and is graded Easy, Divisions 3-5 are Moderate and Divisions 1 & 2 are Hard navigation.  This is a teams event, however you can still pre-enter as an individual runner if you prefer.  You may be approached on the day if teams are short.   Likewise if we have too many for teams you may be asked to run up (or down if appropriate) a division or you can just compete as an individual runner for that day.

Club members who have previously advised they are available for a team, please let our club captain James Stuart know if you can’t attend,  if you haven’t already done so. Email James at IKOrienteers@gmail.com